>Either We’re Hitting Puberty As A Nation or…

>…well, I can’t think of it in any other way.

By the way, Amtrak has been posting its on-time service performance online for quite some time.

Update (10/3): Wachovia likes Wells Fargo more…and Citi is peeved.


  1. Anonymous · September 29, 2008

    >hitting puberty as a nation… hmm. i’m not sure what to make of that metaphor, but perhaps that’s because i have yet to hit puberty.

  2. Anonymous · September 29, 2008

    >hitting puberty as a nation… hmm. i’m not sure what to make of that metaphor, but perhaps that’s because i have yet to hit puberty.

  3. Anonymous · October 1, 2008

    >Not yet puberty I would say, still the school yard bully. Just the other kids more afraid to be kicked out of their cushie playground congress seats just before election than bad Sam is my guess, but I bet he will find a way regardless. Puberty is a tumultuous time full of revolt and identity crisis that’s still to come imo.And very interesting about the myth and symbol of the trains and how they still survive, shocking when you think of the humongous myths installed even today like making war for security and spreading democracy with a gun.

  4. Anonymous · October 1, 2008

    >Not yet puberty I would say, still the school yard bully. Just the other kids more afraid to be kicked out of their cushie playground congress seats just before election than bad Sam is my guess, but I bet he will find a way regardless. Puberty is a tumultuous time full of revolt and identity crisis that’s still to come imo.And very interesting about the myth and symbol of the trains and how they still survive, shocking when you think of the humongous myths installed even today like making war for security and spreading democracy with a gun.

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